Feel like it’s time to sharpen your marketing game? We have just the tools you need to make the job a little simpler and a whole lot more time efficient. From scheduling posts to stock images, we hope you’ll find these marketing tools and resources useful in promoting your travel…
How To Load a Package on SA Tourism’s Website
As an entrepreneur and FlightSiteAgent, finding cost-effective marketing opportunities is key to making a success of your business. Marketing experts will tell you that there is no winning formula, it all boils down to knowing your audience and where to find them. The problem is that if you’re just starting,…
Using Facebook to market your business: What you need to know
Promoting your business is essential to acquiring new clients and keeping your current database in the loop with relevant special deals and updates. To do this through adverts and promotions is often costly and perhaps not something your travel business has budgeted for. Luckily there is a cost effective alternative,…
I’m a FlightSiteAgent. Now what?
Was 2016 your year to take the bold step of setting up your own travel business? Congratulations, that takes guts. Now you’re an official #travelpreneur! So what’s next? Building up a client base is key to your venture’s success. But you can’t do that until you know how to work…
Top Tools To Market Your Travel Business
For any business to thrive it needs to attract and retain customers. In the travel game, this is no different and you’ll need a regular flow of repeat business as well as new leads to keep it afloat.
10 Top Tips for ITCs to Get to Grips With Digital Marketing
Being an ITC can be very satisfying but also overwhelming. You may be faced with challenges such as how to increase your network, determine your price and market your business. To help get off the ground, myriad digital marketing opportunities exist.